Almost Got It | Tim Abbuhl | B |
Baby Bunny | William Latournes | A |
BARBIES DAHLIA | Owen Small | B |
bees knees | Amy Keith | B |
Bees Tag-teaming | David McCary | B |
Black Beauty | Dolores Brown | A |
Black-necked Stilt | Merle Yoder | S |
Blue-winged Warbler...on a Stick | Eric Wolfe | A |
Bumble-Bee | Linda Miller-Gargano | B |
Butterfly Landing | Quyen Phan | B |
Canyonland National Park | Jim Patrina | A |
Chacma Baboon Mother and Baby | Nancy Schumann | A |
Crab | William Latournes | A |
Crab for Breakfast | John Straub | S |
damsel flies on leaf | Mireille Neumann | B |
Damsel Fly in McLean Game Refuge | Chip Neumann | B |
Giant Eastern Swallowtail | Libby Lord | S |
Granby Farm in morning | David Robbins | B |
Great Blue Heron keeping watch | Merle Yoder | S |
Hurried Hippo | Nancy Schumann | A |
I See You | Tim Abbuhl | B |
I'll Fly Away | Marylou Lavoie | A |
I'm a beauty | Terri-Ann Snediker | A |
Incoming Bumble | Amy Keith | B |
It's in Here | Linda Fickinger | A |
Kangaroo and Her Joey | Louis Arthur Norton | A |
Late Spring Ice Makes for Tough Fishing | Bill Payne | S |
Loon on Panther Pond | Mireille Neumann | B |
Low Tide Shell game | John Straub | S |
Maine Light | David Robbins | B |
MIlkweed | Jim Patrina | A |
PURPLE HAZE | Owen Small | B |
red trillium erectuc | John Parisi | A |
Shaving Brush Blossom | Kevin Hulse | B |
Skipper on ground | Frank Zaremba, MNEC | S |
Smallest of the Crane family | Terri-Ann Snediker | A |
Snack Time | Quyen Phan | B |
Summertime Butterfly | Alene Galin | A |
The Heron Ponders | Marylou Lavoie | A |
Three Little Kittens | Susan Case | S |
Turkey Vulture with Prey | John McGarry | S |
Whispering A Sweet Nothing | Louis Arthur Norton | A |
Who are you looking at? | Dolores Brown | A |
Wildflows and stream | Kevin Hulse | B |
Class B HM |
Juvenile Red Tail Hawk | David McCary | B |
No, you cannot have some of my lunch | Ian Veitzer | A |
Magic Mushrooms | Mark Tegtmeier | A |
Crescent Lake Meetup | Mark Tegtmeier | A |
Class B 2nd |
Red Eyed Rock Iguana | Ian Veitzer | A |
Class B 1st |
Reflection | Quannah Leonard | B |
Class A HM |
The Lazy King | Eric Wolfe | A |
Busy Caterpillar | Karin Lessard | A |
Class A 2nd |
Not Now I'm Trying To Eat | Karin Lessard | A |
Class A 1st |
Piano Wing Butterfly | Linda Fickinger | A |
Salon HM |
Mom Said Smile | Bill Payne | S |
Ready to launch | Jeff Levesque | S |
Great Egret in Flight | Jeff Levesque | S |
Bald Faced Hornet Seeking Nectar | Bob Ferrante | S |
Salon 2nd |
Goose disagreement | Frank Zaremba, MNEC | S |
Love in the Red Sands of the Kalahari | Susan Case | S |
Gotta Eat - Black Swallowtail Instar | Bob Ferrante | S |
Tern with a Fish | Libby Lord | S |
Salon 1st |
European Skippers Mating | John McGarry | S |